
Healing with the Heart of Nature!


Where do you turn to for answers to pressing health issues? Where do you find peace and balance consistently in your life? If you’re struggling with health challenges or feelings of unwellness or lack of connection that seem to dominate your life year after year and the methods you’ve been using just aren’t working, it may be time to try a different way. My approach is one that is based upon deep listening to my clients to get to the core of the imbalance. Combined with healing herbs, gentle but highly transformative Energy Healing Sessions, Wellness Consultations, and classes, I’ve helped thousands of people to regain balance and discover their best selves by discovering the healing power to be found in the natural world. Click on the Healing Sessions tab to learn about the different sessions available and the Classes tab for upcoming classes in person and online. If you’d like to schedule a free exploratory “get to know you” session, drop me a line from the form on the Contact page. I look forward to connecting with you!

“Many people do not see the connection between healing People and Healing Planet and yet the two are inextricably connected. There is no separation. Until we realize that we are not separate from each other or the planet or the other beings on this planet we will not have true healing. To find the core of You, be present and silent in Nature. There allow the Silence to reflect back to you and finally come home to your true Essence. This is the heart and the nature of all the work I do, the place where true healing begins.”
– Karine Gordineer

Green Girl Herbs & Healing has built its foundations on doing everything as sustainable as possible and on rediscovering the sacred bond we all share with this beautiful, blue & green planet we call home. It is through helping people to learn about the sacred medicine plants growing all around them, the profound peace and healing to be found in nature, herbs, and energy healing, that Green Girl seeks to inspire others to connect with the environment and begin or deepen their own relationship with Mother Earth and connect with their inner Spirit.


Featured Classes


The Sacred Heart of Herbalism LIVE ONLINE!

Beginning Saturday, March 29th, 2025!

Karine Gordineer of Green Girl Herbs & Healing announces open registration for the 2024 Sacred Heart of Herbalism class series.  This 10-month training will work with herbalism in the way it was originally taught; infused with the Spirits of the Plants.  Native Peoples believe that to truly possess the healing powers of a plant one must be introduced to the Spirit of that Plant and be honored with its healing gifts.

I invite you to contact me or schedule time to talk.


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