Herbs for the Solar Eclipse

©Karine Gordineer 2024

One of the most beautiful aspects of Herbalism is how the plants can support us through every aspect of our human experience, not just when we are physically ill. I’ve created this “Herbs for the Solar Eclipse” graphic to list some of our herbal allies that can assist with the upcoming Solar Eclipse. There are many plants that we can work with in times of change and stress, these are just some of those plants.

If you are watching the Solar Eclipse live, please be sure to only view the Sun with the approved eye wear. We should never look directly at the Sun in any circumstances. Over time it can add to macular degeneration and even cause permanent damage to the retina. During an eclipse when the natural brightness of the Sun isn’t there to cause us to naturally squint and turn away, and most of all when the iris contracts to let in less light but yet the Sun’s damaging UV rays are still present, the possibility of more severe damage can and has occurred. Read below and the graphic for more information:

🌑Herbs for the Solar Eclipse!

🌿Throughout history, celestial occurrences have been major events that have at times been very disruptive. Solar Eclipses in particular were often thought of as terrifying signs that the Gods were displeased with them.

🌿Today, although we may feel differently about these things, the energy from these events can be chaotic especially to those that are highly sensitive or empathic. It wouldn’t be unusual to experience anxiety, stress, even fatigue and/or headaches.

🌿As always, the healing plants have our backs! And our heads and stomachs too! I’ve put together this Herbs for the “Solar Eclipse” graphic to illustrate some of the herbs we can work with to ground ourselves, alleviate stress, anxiety, headaches, and aid with sleep issues.

🌿Enjoy a calming cup of herbal tea and be sure to stay safe if viewing the Solar Eclipse as it can cause damage to the retina if viewed without the proper eyewear.

🌿If you’d like to learn how these amazing plants support all aspect of our Being, be sure to check out upcoming classes and trainings including the Sacred Heart of Herbalism training beginning live online, Saturday, April 27th!

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