Cold Care Tea

Coughing, sneezing, sore throat? Many people automatically reach for over-the-counter remedies that can often make a cold worse. Take care of that cold with this blend of Coltsfoot, Eucalyptus, Slippery Elm Bark and immunity boosting herbs that will have you back on your feet in no time! 


Plantain (Plantago major)

If people knew that the cures for many of their ills were growing right in their own backyards, I’d like to think they would put down the glyphosate, the lawn mower, the “weed wacker”, and let it grow! 

Plantain is one of those backyard jewels that everyone should befriend so vast are its healing medicines and uses as a food source. The Plantain I’m speaking of here is not the fruit that resembles a banana but rather the green plant found growing profusely in waste places, most suburban yards, and even in abandoned city lots.  Plantain, maligned as a “common weed”, is often the target of broad spectrum and selective herbicides designed to eradicate it from the “perfect lawn”. The non-native Plantain was originally brought to this continent by early colonists as it followed them wherever they went. So intertwined were their paths that a common name for Plantain was Englishman’s Foot. 

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Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)

I’m a plant nerd for sure. I get wild about plants. Last week I was out plant shopping. For medicinal herbs, this is a rarity. Other than the occasional flirtation with a hybridized Chocolate or Pineapple Mint, all of my medicinal herb plants and seeds are purchased online. Sometimes I get lucky and find a rare gem in some forgotten corner of the Hudson valley and I get giddy. No, I mean I literally get giddy. So yeah, last week I was giddy. What was the object of my enchantment you ask? “None other than the winsome wormwood!” she says as Harry Potter fans everywhere perk up their ears. If Wormwood has not been mentioned in the popular tomes, she certainly should be. As full of magic, mystery, and medicine as any controversial herb and with a dazzling past to match! I have your attention now, yes? 

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Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis)

Nothing heralds the coming Autumn for me like the very beautiful and showy yellow flowers of Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis, Solidago spp.). Although, Goldenrod, in all her golden glory, is the scapegoat for fall allergies, it is actually the common Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisifolia) with its inconspicuous green inflorescence also blooming at this time that is usually to blame. Goldenrod has very little pollen and what pollen it does have is very dense and sticky in order to be carried off by insects that visit. Ragweed on the other hand, makes a profusion of pollen that is distributed on the wind. Solidago canadensis is a Native perennial that spreads rapidly through its rhizomes. Often found in dense stands, there are approximately 60 species of Goldenrod in the Northern Hemisphere found in all states except Hawaii, Louisiana, Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida. Goldenrod is also found in nearly all of the Canadian provinces. Goldenrod is found in moist meadows, near waterways, and prairies in locations with full or part sun. It ranges in height from 1 to 7 feet with bright flowers arranged in drooping panicles. 

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Elderberries (Sambucus nigra, S. canadensis)

Elderberries are a potent anti-viral and contain impressive immunity boosting properties. Elderberry can help reduce the duration of colds and flus or, if taken as a tonic, can aid in the prevention of winter illness. With its high anthocyanin content, Elderberry has tonifying benefits to the heart and overall antioxidant properties to the body. To purchase Elderberry Syrup check out the Shop section.


Elderberry Syrup

Considered a potent antiviral and immunity building, Elderberries have a long history of medicinal use. Elderberry Syrup taken as a daily tonic is highly effective at preventing flus, colds, and can help keep you healthy all winter long! Elderberry’s high anthocyanin content make it a gentle heart tonic.  


Coffee Lover’s Tea

Coffee Lovers Tea – Do you love coffee but it’s not exactly loving you back? Coffee Lovers Tea has all the bark of coffee without the bite and it’s caffeine-free too!


“C” Tea

“C” Tea is a lovely floral based tea with herbs high in vitamin C like Roses, and Rosehips, and immunity boosting herbs such as Elderberry. A delicious way to keep colds and flus away. Tastes great hot or iced! 

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